Jiangwei Weng

China, NanJing 210094

Welcome to Jiangwei Weng (翁江玮)'s Homepage.

I am currently a first-year Ph.D. student at PCALab@NJUST, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, supervised by Prof. Jun Li. I obtained M.S. degree in Computer Science in 2021 from the School of Information Engineering, Huzhou University, advised by Prof. Yunliang Jiang.

My current work focuses on image enhancement with its applications in real world. In the past, I have focused my reseach topics on fuzzy system and interpretable modeling for the epilepsy EEG recognition.


Ph.D. Student | PCALab@NJUST, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Time: Mar 2023 - Present. Advisor: Prof. Jun Li

Publications [Google Scholar] [DBLP]

MambaLLIE: Implicit Retinex-Aware Low Light Enhancement with Global-then-Local State Space
Jiangwei Weng, Zhiqiang Yan, Ying Tai, Jianjun Qian, Jian Yang, Jun Li
Arxiv, 2024
[Paper] [Project Page]

Driving-Video Dehazing with Non-Aligned Regularization for Safety Assistance
Junkai Fan, Jiangwei Weng, Kun Wang, Yijun Yang, Jianjun Qian, Jun Li, Jian Yang
CVPR, 2024
[Paper] [Project Page]

A CNN-Based Born-Again TSK Fuzzy Classifier Integrating Soft Label Information and Knowledge Distillation
Yunliang Jiang, Jiangwei Weng, Xiongtao Zhang, Zhen Yang, Wenjun Hu
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE TFS), 2022


  • Scholarship of Zhejiang Provincial Government. 2018


  • Conference and Journal Reviewer,
     IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024